Alexandra Bergdahl Larsson
My journey towards art started with linguistics: images and ways to “paint” ideas in different languages. I was particularly interested in intersemiotic translation, that is translation from one sign system to another, for example when a poem becomes a dance or music becomes a painting. I still think of myself as an interpreter, as I try to express things with visual languages, grasp the subtle feelings and inside landscapes, and translate them into visual poems.
I try to capture things that fascinate me: that playful energy of life, realization that we miraculously fly in endless space on a tiny planet, trying to grasp the meaning of it all and simultaneously enjoying tiny things: coffee in beautiful cups, tickling of grass on my feet in summer, being able to dance. I want to unite those huge philosophical questions with everyday practical tiny things that constitute life.
Through colours and shapes, I want to touch on that ”juiciness” of life and hope to inspire the viewer to play with the fabric of everyday things, mix them, shake them, try new things, laugh at mistakes and enjoy surprises.
I would like my work to be a reminder that all the rules, social structures and things that govern our life are just things we invent as we go. They are not objective or written in stone. Our whole society is a surrealistic performance, beautiful and chaotic, full of colours and experience. And here we dance trying to make sense of it all.
Tel: 0765523094